Chinese Neverland at the moment, a ShuHua fan club to be specific, are currently not too happy with the recent single as they pointed out that ShuHua had only 3.9 seconds in the track while only appearing approximately 17 seconds through the MV.Below is their statement.“Hi, this is ShuHua’s fan club based in China. It is unfortunate that we are making the announcement of this decision, and we hope that you will understand. Ever since the beginning, we always have shown support to CUBE Entertainment, bought every album, and despite having few people, we did our best in giving our support for the recent comeback as well. In addition, we also held an event that promoted the album, encouraging more fans to buy it. It was quite a disappointment today at 5 PM (Beijing time) to discover that ShuHua had only 3.9 seconds for her solo parts in the song and 17 seconds throughout the music video. This is unacceptable to us fans. The company should fairly treat their artists. It seems that the company has been giving her less parts after the release of ‘Oh My God’ and not much attention has been given to her makeup styling as well. Chinese fans are not happy about this. We will be halting the purchasing of albums starting from today until the company responds to our demands, while exclusively supporting ShuHua.“What are your thoughts on the line and screen time distributions? Why Some Chinese Neverland Are Furious Over  G I DLE s  HWAA   - 7