How much fun would it be traveling and playing games with all thirteen members all night? Probably a little too much, to the point that you’ll soon realize it might have been a lot more than you signed up for.When SEVENTEEN play, they play hard.Which is why netizens of a popular online community have been talking about just how energetic SEVENTEEN really are and how they never seem to stop playing. They play until they die and don’t have any strength left to move.How active are they?They first start off with a round of foot volleyball. Then have a few drinks while they’re at it. Then they start the karaoke machine. After, they eat and drink some more. And you can’t leave out drinking games while at it. Then they go back and start the karaoke machine again. And it just goes on and on throughout the night. But it’s far from over. They then head outside for a game of soccer. And have a few more shots afterwards again. At some point, they all pass out.But what happens when they wake up the next day? Straight back to the karaoke machine so that they can do it all over again.You can check out the video below to see how lively, chaotic, yet fun a vacation with SEVENTEEN would be. 작년 엠티 못 가셨던 분들 온텍트 엠티 오세요ㅜ 랜덤 게임 인당 한 개씩만 해도 13개.. 동동주 먹고 뻗어도 침대까지 데려다줍니다 다음날 해장필수, 시끄럽게 깨우는 친구, 족구하다 이마 맞는 친구 등등 다 있어요 이 시국 대학생을 위한 최적의 콘텐츠가 아닐 수 없다— 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒖⊹ (@the8naru) January 4, 2021 Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 1Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 59Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 63Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 87Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 64Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 42Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 28Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 42Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 9Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 6Why Going On A Vacation With SEVENTEEN Would Be Unexpectedly Exhausting  - 90