Check out the music video of the title track ‘Crazy About You’ below!Kpopmap had the incredible opportunity of interviewing these talented artists and we left no stone unturned in exploring the creative genius that went into “Novella”. Keep reading until the end for a very special video message from UP10TION for HONEY10 all over the world. Welcome to Kpopmap, UP10TION! First of all, congratulations on making such a successful comeback with “Novella”! Was there anything different about the way you approached the making of this mini-album, as compared to your previous comebacks?Personally, “Novella” was more difficult. The style of the title song is something that UP10TION is attempting for the first time so I had a lot of concerns. Kuhn Expressing the emotions of “Crazy About You” was the hardest for me. KoGyeol Unlike the album “CONNECTION”, in “Novella” we tried to show a new emotional line. Bit-to The concept we prepared for this comeback is something we have really never tried before so it was a little more difficult. I think the only thing that has changed is that the members have gotten older and have become a little more mature. SunYoul Previously, UP10TION showed a cool and sexy image but the concept this time is UP10TION’s first attempt at showing the sorrowful and sad feelings of love and separation. GyuJin The dance with this concept that UP10TION is trying for the first time was a bit difficult. Before this, we had to dance in an exciting and cool way but this time, we had to express our emotions through the choreography so it was a little harder. HwanHee This time, there are many delicate parts in the choreography, so I paid attention to expressing the emotions with my hands and fingers. Xiao“Novella” is the 10th mini-album in your discography. With each comeback, you bring a new and unique sound. What do you think has been the key to UP10TION’s versatility?Above anything else, I think it is the existence of HONEY10. Kuhn First of all, I think that the members have strong fundamental skills so they can pull off a variety of things. KoGyeol I think that when the members come across new things, they are able to learn quickly. Bit-to I think the key is that the members make up for each other’s shortcomings. SunYoul The charm of UP10TION? GyuJin I’m flattered! I don’t know about the key but I like all the new sounds so I’m grateful for the composers. HwanHee Even though it is okay to stick to one genre but fans like it when we show them our varied charms and we ourselves like being able to experience unique charms so we’re trying to do many different things. XiaoYour styling for this comeback is especially stunning and perfectly suits the concept of the mini-album. What kind of look would each of you like to try in the future?Casual suit vibe. Kuhn I want to try a tough look too. KoGyeol I want to wear clothes that are somewhat brimming with masculinity. Bit-to I want to build my body and show it off. SunYoul I want to wear a hip style. Alternatively, I want to try wearing totally formal clothes too! GyuJin For me, a sexy style. Because I’m an adult! >< HwanHee I want to try something new…clothes that are kind of unique and cool!!! XiaoA novella is divided into stages and the story development is clear. Like the title of this mini-album, “Novella”, can you tell us about the process of preparing the album in stages? For instance, how did you come to plan this album? What was the most difficult thing while preparing for this album?We wanted to show a new side to us that is different from the concepts we have shown so far, so we prepared the emotional “Novella”. It’s a new concept that we’ve never tried before, and at first, it was a little difficult to capture the emotions, so we put in a lot of thought. During recording, we were able to record UP10TION’s unique emotions quickly and smoothly while listening to the composers’ compliments. It is not a powerful and intense performance like we have shown before, but an emotional performance that has been completed by adding emotion and sentiment to each hand gesture. Thus, we made our comeback on January 3, 2022 with “Novella”, an album like a romance novel that anyone can relate to, reminding one of the different stages, from meeting a loved one and its excitement to breaking up, and the feelings that follow. UP10TIONIf each of you had a novella written about you, what would you want it to be named, what genre would it be and how would you want the cover of the book to look?The title would be “시간이 약이라는 말은 꽤 맞는 말인 것 같아요” (which roughly translates to “I Think It’s Quite Right When They Say Time Is Medicine”), the genre would be romance and the cover picture would be a heart with a Band-Aid on it. Kuhn The title would be “꿀민수” (which translates to “Honey MinSoo”), genre would be romance and I would like the cover to have a warm feeling. KoGyeol The title would be “자소서” (roughly translates to “Self-Portrait” or “Self-Introduction”), the genre would be one that can give strength to someone. I want the cover to be pastel blue. Bit-to The title would be “무제” (which translates to “Untitled”), the genre would be thriller and the book cover would be black. SunYoul I don’t have a title yet but I want to write an essay in the colour green that is easy to see. GyuJin The title would be “행복해서 웃는다 웃어서 행복하다” (which roughly translates to “I laugh because I am happy, I am happy because I laugh”), the genre would be autobiography and the cover would be an awesome picture of HwanHee. HwanHee I would like the cover to be a single colour and simple. The title is “그냥” (which translates to “Just”). For the genre, I want to include all pretty things from here and there. XiaoThe members, especially Kuhn, Bit-to and Xiao actively participated in the creation of this album, from production, to songwriting and composition. During this process, was there anything new like a hidden talent that you discovered about yourself?I found out that I like to write emotional lyrics more than I thought. Kuhn I don’t know about talent but I worked hard. Bit-to Even though I write lyrics myself, our rapper hyungs write their lyrics and melodies differently than I thought so I was like, “Oh, it can be done this way too!”. XiaoThe title track on this mini-album is called ‘Crazy About You’. Has there ever been anything in each of your lives that you have been crazy about?There was a time when I really liked going on walks at night. Kuhn I practiced like crazy to improve my skills. KoGyeol Right now, as UP10TION, I’m totally in love with our fans. It has already been 7 years since we debuted, and fans have been watching over us for 7 years now. I am crazy about our fans. Bit-to I’m always crazy about singing. SunYoul I was crazy about making things. I think I liked it because when I was concentrating on something, I didn’t even think of my worries. GyuJin Upon thinking, I most probably fell for UP10TION!! Even now, I’m crazy about UP10TION but back then, I was even more like that. I wanted to look cooler and succeed so it was a bit difficult for me. Right now, I think my mindset is more about loving UP10TION as it is and taking it slow rather than being greedy. It’s a lot more comfortable this way. HwanHee For me, I think it was when I was a trainee working hard to become an idol!! I repeatedly went back and forth between school and the practice room and that’s how I lived. XiaoWhat is your personal favorite track on this mini-album and why?I like the title song ‘Crazy About You’ the most. Kuhn For me, it’s ‘Incredible(雪來)’. I like the song. KoGyeol Personally, ‘Crazy About You’, the title song with the style that I wanted to try, is my favourite. Bit-to I love all the songs in our album. SunYoul It’s ‘SAD ENDING’! I think it’s a song with a lot of my voice, so I’m very thankful for it and the atmosphere is great! GyuJin Of course, I like the title track, ‘Crazy About You’, but I was hooked on the name too. I really wanted to make a comeback with this concept. HwanHee For me, it’s a song called ‘FALL’. I don’t like it just because I made it, but I’m into band music these days, so it was a song that I wanted to try to make for this album. I like this song because the older members’ voices go well together and fit well with the concept of this album. It’s a song that I usually listen to a lot, and it’s a sound and genre that I personally really like. (I made it). XiaoWhat is the one message each of you hoped to send across with “Novella”?When you are lonely or having a hard time, I hope you feel comforted while listening to “Novella”. Kuhn When you are lonely or sad, I want to comfort you with UP10TION’s music. KoGyeol I hope it gives HONEY10 strength and comfort. Bit-to We want to send the message that UP10TION wants to be with HONEY10. SunYoul I hope that HONEY10 will not have a hard time and will empathize (with the album) and feel comforted. GyuJin I hope that this album will provide comfort and sympathy to HONEY10 when they have a hard time. HwanHee I hope that you can relate to and be comforted by this album where you can meet the mature sensibility of the UP10TION members. XiaoFinally, is there anything you’d like to say to HONEY10 all over the world who have waited for you eagerly?HONEY10! Wishing you a very happy new year in 2022 and thank you for always giving us a lot of love. 💛 Kuhn HONEY10, we will make you smile even more in the new year! KoGyeol HONEY10! Happy New Year and always be happy! Bit-to Please be with UP10TION in 2022 as well! SunYoul Please take care of us in the new year too. We’ll continue to show you even more diverse and cool sides of us! Thank you always, HONEY10!!💛 GyuJin Our HONEY10, it’s 2022! Stay healthy, don’t get sick, and I hope not only HONEY10 but also all the precious people around HONEY10 are happy! Thank you always and I love you so much 🥰. Sincerely! HwanHee It’s already 2022 and time seems to go by so quickly! HONEY10, always eat well and be healthy!!! It’s the best. Don’t get sick. Thank you for waiting. Let’s have a great and happy time together in 2022. Thank you for waiting for us HONEY10! Xiao As promised, here’s a sweet message from UP10TION, for HONEY10!Are you a HONEY10? Share your thoughts with Kpopmap in the comments section down below!  UP10TION Writes A Happy Ending For HONEY10 At Their “Novella” Comeback Showcase REVIEWS|Jan 4, 2022 UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 20UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 44UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 62UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 4UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 87UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 10UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 96UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 12UP10TION Reveal What A Novella Written About Each Of Them Would Be Called  What They re Crazy About   More   Exclusive Interview  - 11