This drama is a Korean remake of the Japanese drama “Juhan Shuttai!” which is based on the manga series by the same name written by Matsuda Naoko. The leads in the drama are Nam YoonSu, Kim SeJeong and Choi Daniel. Nam YoonSu is a rising actor who has gained popularity with the Netflix original drama “Extracurricular” and most recently appeared in “The King’s Affection." He will also be appearing in the drama adaption “The Borrowed Body”, based on the webtoon by Park SeKye. Check out the 2022 drama adaptions here. Rising actress and singer Kim SeJeong recently starred in the drama “Business Proposal”, and has also acted in the dramas “The Uncanny Counter”, “Let Me Hear Your Song”, and “School 2017.”Choi Daniel is a longtime actor who has appeared in multiple dramas including “High Kick Through The Roof”, “School 2013”, and “Jugglers”.Here is more information. Today’s Webtoon (2022) InformationTitle: Today’s Webtoon / Oneurui Weptun / 오늘의 웹툰Director: Cho SuWon, Kim YeongHwanWriter: Cho YeRang, Lee JaeEunNetwork: SBSRuntime: From July 29# of Episodes: 12Genre: Romance, ComedyLanguage: Korean Summary“Today’s Webtoon,” tells the story of On MaEum, a former judo athlete, who quit sports due to an injury and struggles to get a job in the webtoon editorial department. Cast Nam YoonSu as Goo JoonYoungWith an IQ of 150, Goo JoonYoung is a new employee in the Neon Editing department who has only walked the easy path of an elite. He is inspired by On MaEum’s sincerity and spirit towards her work. Working next to her forces him to reflect upon himself. Kim SeJeong as On MaEum On MaEum used to be a judo athlete, but had to give it up due to an injury. She is a new employee who got a job in the Neon Webtoon Editing Department through fierce competition. She is now an office worker who overcame many adversities and lives as an “icon of positivity”. Choi Daniel as Seok JiYoungSeok JiYoung is a deputy editor of the Neon Webtoon Editing Department. He is a charater that makes jokes with an expressionless face. In the company, he is the perfect guide for his juniors, but in reality, he is pathetic and sloppy. Teaser & PostersHere is one of the offiicial teasers.Here are the official posters. Find Out More About “Today’s Webtoon”: The Upcoming K-Drama Adaptation Of Popular J-Drama “Sleepeeer Hit!” Starring Kim SeJeong & Nam YoonSu KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 8, 2022 29 Dramas Of 2022 Based On Webtoon KDRAMA STORIES|Dec 9, 2022 “The Borrowed Body” (2022 Web Drama): Cast & Summary KDRAMA STORIES|Mar 31, 2022