“The Golden Spoon” tells the story of two boys, Lee SeungCheon (played by SungJae) and Hwang TaeYong (played by Lee JongWon) who come from two different social classes. Lee SeungCheon is a smart hardworking student who comes from a poor home. Despite attending a renowned high school, he is being bullied regularly because of his parent’s financial status. And even though he loves his parents, he often wishes he could have a better life. On the contrary, Hwang TaeYong is seen and treated as a prince. The cause of envy to others, his family is amongst the top 1% of the country and as such he is feared and respected by many. However, in reality, there is no love in his home, only fear. Living with a past trauma that haunts him, he finds no reprieve as he is constantly pressured to do well by his father who greatly scares him, and a stepmother who doesn’t even care for him. In his big mansion, he is all alone and the one thing that gives him joy is his love for comics.One day, Lee SeungCheol meets a strange woman who offers him a golden spoon. A magical spoon that will make him switch lives with anyone he wants after he eats in their house 3 times. Picking Hwang TaeYong as his target, he successfully switches lives with him. However, he soon realizes, not everything that glitters is gold as the reality of Hwang TaeYong’s true life begins to dawn on him.A truly gripping storyline, with just 4 episodes released, fans haven’t stopped raving about the series. With its interesting subplots and a shocking revelation, the last 2 episodes have garnered tons of compliments online as the series has no doubt piqued the interest of many drama lovers. Its increasing popularity is also ably reflected in its rankings as well.Based on the data retrieved on the 3rd of October, the series currently ranks in the top 6 in 6 Asian countries on Disney+. It ranks at number 2 in Indonesia, number 3 in Japan and South Korea, number 4 in Hong Kong, number 5 in Taiwan, and number 6 in Singapore.You can access the data and more here. It is important to note that while FlixPatrol has access to data from a huge majority, it does not have access to data from all the countries in the world.Are you watching this series? Let us know some of your thoughts about it in the comments section below.  Top 3 K-Dramas Airing In September That Fans Are Looking Forward To The Most According To Kpopmap Readers KDRAMA STORIES|Sep 2, 2022 5 Facts You Need To Know About BTOB Yook SungJae’s Character In Upcoming K-Drama “The Golden Spoon” KDRAMA STORIES|Aug 31, 2022 The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 78The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 40The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 52The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 8The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 67The Webtoon Based K Drama Series  The Golden Spoon  Ranks In The Top 6 On Disney   - 41