Objectively speaking, sexy performances that we often see in the Western pop music scene in comparison to the K-Pop scene are still a lot of times vastly different, especially when it comes to female performers. One could say that the Western performances are a bit more explicit while in K-Pop, short skirts and moderately short hot pants are pretty much what viewers are going to see.But there’s obviously reasons related to the society of each part of the world that has to do with why this is the way it is.In South Korea, it’s still not easy for celebrities to go full throttle as some in the Western pop scene do when it comes to expressing their sexuality. Think about it, even the fans go haywire and begin criticizing stylists when they see their favorite idol groups being dressed in much too revealing stage or red carpet attires.However, Fly With Me is perhaps one of those groups that have the potential to set a new norm when it comes to sexy performances because if there’s any word to describe their performances, it would be “sexy” and even that is a big understatement.Of course, similarly revealing performances have been done on a few occasions before in the past in the K-Pop scene, especially during the days of Stellar. But perhaps the group’s concept was much too ahead of its time, and the South Korean society were not ready to accept such presentations.In a world where we see an excess of Instagram models all flaunting their amazing physique and their sass, South Korea included, the current domestic audience and younger generation probably don’t feel offended or as uncomfortable than the previous generation when seeing performances done by Fly With Me. It’s really quite a touchy sensitive topic that involves the freedom to express one self, but we can’t really expect the finger pointing for wearing revealing clothing to go on forever now, can we? If you’re wondering whose behind all the finger pointing and criticism of K-Pop celebrities choosing to express and show off how sexually attractive they are, let’s just say that our money is bet on the so called “feminists” and “conservatives” in the nation who have nothing better to do than to feel inferior after witnessing beauty. Stellar’s Earnings Amount To Less Than $10,000 In A Period Of 7 Years KPOP STORIES|Jan 15, 2019 Below is a performance of Fly With Me that was met with quite an explosive response, mostly from the men in the audience, but you can already see how they’re already easily becoming the girl crush icons for the younger generation as well.Stay tuned for updates! The K Pop Scene Is A Lot Steamier With Fly With Me In It  - 21The K Pop Scene Is A Lot Steamier With Fly With Me In It  - 47