Good Data releases weekly rankings of the most talked-about TV shows and celebrities on airing TV shows. The data is collected from netizens’ reactions to online news, based on community forums, social media, and videos.In the 4th week of March 2022, the show was ranked 1st amongst non-drama TV shows by Good Data. For the 5th week of March (data released on Apr. 5) the show stayed 1st.As for the most talked-about celebrities, in the 4th week of March 2022, the group WJSN was ranked 9th among celebrities who appeared on a non-drama TV show.In the 5th week of March, there are 2 artists participating in “Queendom 2” who appeared in the ranking.1st - VIVIZ4th - HyoLyn Episode 1 started with the opening show performances of each group. You can watch those here:      Only 2 artists performed for the round in the 1st episode: VIVIZ and HyoLyn. You can watch their performances below.Note: Due to COVID-19 LOONA will not be participating in the first round.  Which artists do you think will enter the ranking next week?  Dazzling Choreographies By The 6 Female K-Pop Artists Competing In “Queendom 2” KPOP STORIES|Mar 21, 2022 Here Are The 6 Female K-Pop Artists Who Will Officially Be Competing In “Queendom 2” KPOP STORIES|Feb 21, 2022 The 2 Artists Participating In  Queendom 2  Who Entered The Most Talked About Ranking For The 5th Week Of March  - 75The 2 Artists Participating In  Queendom 2  Who Entered The Most Talked About Ranking For The 5th Week Of March  - 41