Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and extended reality concepts have been especially in vogue lately, with groups like aespa having their entire concept revolving around the same. FX Gear specializes in hair, skin and cloth simulation and through their knowledge in this field, they intend to create the first-ever digital human, who will be fully capable of acting on their own and can be used through a mobile interface.Through this, idols will be able to enjoy real-time interaction with fans even from miles apart. BAE173’s Nam DoHyon has been selected as the first idol who will go digital and SF9 will later also join the project. FX Gear has also promised even more collaborations with K-Pop stars in the future. Which idol would you like to see turned into a digital human? Share your thoughts with Kpopmap in the comments section down below!  SF9 Take Their Comeback To A Whole New Level With Turn Over SF9 Tarot: Get Your Fortune Read With Your Bias Now! KPOP STORIES|Jul 2, 2021 Take A Step Further Into Simulation As FX Gear Promises A Digital Idol Future  - 28