On May 16, Mnet released the teaser for the upcoming episode which caused many viewers to become curious about the tension among trainees. You can check out the teaser below.Since DSP Media’s Son DongPyo was known to be the center of their theme, there is a high chance that he was given the opportunity to select the trainees which he wished to work with for their next mission.When asked what kind of team he wants to create, he said “Avengers”. The word was first used back in “Produce 101” Season 1 when Jeon SoMi chose Weki Meki’s YooJung, DoYeon, ChungHa, CLC’s EunBin, GWSN’s SeoKyung and Kim DaNi during the position evaluation. It became a huge issue as the performance was very well received.Since then, all the following seasons have been using the term ‘avengers’ for the meaning of a dream team.According to the teaser, it looks like Son DongPyo had chosen trainees with high popularity such as OUI’s Kim YoHan. He also continued by saying that he honestly wants those with issues, center of attention and visuals.Looks like Son DongPyo’s team will be looked forward by many viewers!Are you curious to find out what would happen in the next episode? Read More : Who Is The Trainee That Has The Highest Increase In Ranks On “Produce X 101”?  Produce X 101  Son DongPyo Aims To Create The Next Avengers Team  - 37