Netizens of a popular online community have been talking about how cute he was when he first appeared on ‘Produce 101’, when his body wasn’t able to move with such grace and smoothness as we are able to see today.Kim JaeHwan’s character is many things that are admirable, but one of them is diligence and the willingness to put in effort to become good at whatever he does.So let’s take a look at his growth.It’s quite fun to see the earlier days of any idol as they are absolutely adorable.So from this starting point, Kim JaeHwan then soon went on to what is shown below.  But of course, he did still maintain his occasional playful goofiness.But Kim JaeHwan, knowing that he needed to practice and work hard, literally practiced and rehearsed dance moves whenever he got the chance to, showing just how seriously he took his work and dedication to the fans.He recently found himself in a quite entertaining situation when a supermarket owner recognized him. He went inside to buy some ice cream and the owner was watching his performance on TV. When the owner was accepting his payment, he noticed that the young man standing in front of him looked a lot like the person performing on TV.Stay tuned for updates! Netizens Compliment Kim JaeHwan Seeing How Much He Put In Effort In Earlier Days  - 20