Jang KiYong, Chae SooBin, and Krystal are the lead actors of the movie released on June 4. “Sweet & Sour” tells the story of a couple faced with real-world opportunities and challenges and who is enduring the highs and lows of trying to make a long-distance relationship survive (Netflix).“Sweet & Sour” is available on Netflix in various countries and it is popular! Looking at data provided by Flixpatrol, the movie is ranked 9th in the top movies on Netflix in the world on June 6.The movie even ranked 1st in Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam (on June 6)!If you want to access the data for more details, you can here. (Note that Flixpatrol does not have access to data from all the countries of the globe but a huge majority).Is the movie available in your country? Is it trending in your country?  [Update] “Vincenzo” Currently Ranked 4th Most Popular TV Show On Netflix Worldwide KDRAMA STORIES|Apr 27, 2021 “Space Sweepers” Ranked As Most Popular Movie On Netflix Worldwide KDRAMA STORIES|Feb 8, 2021 Netflix Movie  Sweet   Sour  With Jang KiYong  Chae SooBin    Krystal Ranked 9th On Netflix Worldwide  - 52Netflix Movie  Sweet   Sour  With Jang KiYong  Chae SooBin    Krystal Ranked 9th On Netflix Worldwide  - 16Netflix Movie  Sweet   Sour  With Jang KiYong  Chae SooBin    Krystal Ranked 9th On Netflix Worldwide  - 3Netflix Movie  Sweet   Sour  With Jang KiYong  Chae SooBin    Krystal Ranked 9th On Netflix Worldwide  - 67Netflix Movie  Sweet   Sour  With Jang KiYong  Chae SooBin    Krystal Ranked 9th On Netflix Worldwide  - 16