The first show, Red Planet, portrayed a more intense side of Kim HyunJoong, with songs that expressed stronger emotions. The audience were blown away by the epic performance by the Gemini band and the flawless vocals that left everyone speechless.This time, the concert aims to embrace the audience with songs that lift the heavy burdens that came with the cold winter. In a complete reversal of themes, Kim HyunJoong stuns with his versatility in music.Fans left comments delighted with the first show, overcoming the barrier that is COVID-19 to meet all his fans. Orange Hug, the second show, is expected to be as big of a hit with fans from all over the world coming together to join Kim HyunJoong in concert. [INFO]Date: June 5, Saturday, 7 PM KSTTicket & Live Stream: Ticket 8 Korean Actors Who Show Their Daily Life On Their YouTube Channel KDRAMA STORIES|Dec 1, 2020