If you have yet to check it out, you can watch it below!For those who did not know, ChungHa also a dog, Bambi, and she had shared many pictures with Bambi on her Instagram previously.In the behind the scene video, ChungHa had introduced the dog, Aran, which she is currently taking care of to her fans!Aran is definitely a new face to many and the idol shared that she had actually yet to decide if she would be adopting it.Aran is estimated to be about 2 to 3 years old and since its growth plates had closed, it is no longer capable of growing. Hence, explaining its small size. The moment happened around 6:10 of the video.ChungHa shared that Aran was originally from a breeding farm but since it is too small for reproduction, it does not have anywhere else to go.In the end, ChungHa is currently taking care of Aran. As Aran is also slightly sick, she had decided to nurse it back to health before deciding if she would be keeping Aran.Fans who had watched the video was touched by her kind heart and felt that ChungHa is very tedious when it comes to taking care of animals. Seeing how much she care for Aran, many were also hoping that even if she does not decide to keep it, Aran will be able to find a healthy and happy family.ChungHa will be having a special V-Live with fans on March 24, 8 PM KST, and you can watch it here.Were you touched by ChungHa’s kind action for Aran?  ChungHa & Guaynaa - ‘Demente’ (Spanish Ver) MV MUSIC VIDEO|Mar 17, 2021 RAIN - WHY DON’T WE (Feat. ChungHa) | One Take Performance Ver. VIDEO|Mar 1, 2021 ChungHa Shares The Story Behind The Dog  Aran  Which She Is Taking Care Of  - 6ChungHa Shares The Story Behind The Dog  Aran  Which She Is Taking Care Of  - 14ChungHa Shares The Story Behind The Dog  Aran  Which She Is Taking Care Of  - 4