Here are 5 variety show concepts we’d love to see DKB try! 

1. “Twogether” 

With each of the DKB members having a unique sense of humour and entertainment, a variety show like “Twogether” would be perfect for them. From solving riddles together to friendly betrayals, scenic landscapes and majestic feasts, it would be supremely entertaining to see the members discover new sides to each other while viewers tag along on their adventures. 

2. “Hometown Flex”

Wouldn’t it be interesting, especially for international fans, if each of the DKB members were to introduce their hometowns, taking us to their favourite spots, local restaurants, markets, and more? It would give the members a chance to visit their hometowns while also giving fans a look into the places where they grew up.  

3. “Youn’s Kitchen”

One of the key aspects of “Youn’s Kitchen” that makes it so entertaining is its therapeutic nature coupled with a challenge. Many celebrities have appeared on “Youn’s Kitchen” so far but it would be interesting to see a completely idol-run restaurant. From handling the business to creating recipes, this variety show concept would undoubtedly bring the DKB members even closer to fans. 

4. “I Live Alone”

While “I Live Alone”, as the name suggests, gives us a glimpse of celebrities who live by themselves, a group version of the show, where fans get to see their idols’ regular life in their dorms would be an absolute treat for BB all over the world. With all the stories we’ve heard about the members, it would be a delight to witness them in real-time.  

5. “Running Man”

Finally, the perfect variety show to conclude this article with has to be the iconic “Running Man”. Suffice to say that it will probably be an episode that will go down in DKB history. There’s no comparison to how entertaining the show is in and of itself but with DKB as guests, it is bound to be a funfest.  Which variety show do you want to see DKB on? Share your thoughts with Kpopmap in the comments section down below!  10 Handsome Pictures of DKB’s Lune That You Need To See KPOP STORIES|Oct 26, 2021 3 Reasons To Look Forward To DKB’s Comeback With Their 1st Single Album “Rollercoaster” KPOP STORIES|Oct 25, 2021 Top 5 Catchiest Songs By DKB That Will Be Hard To Get Out Of Your Head KPOP STORIES|Oct 21, 2021 5 Variety Show Concepts We d Love To See DKB Try  - 775 Variety Show Concepts We d Love To See DKB Try  - 215 Variety Show Concepts We d Love To See DKB Try  - 26