From betraying his members to cheating secretively, scheming behind their backs to ambushing them out of nowhere, it is safe to say that for JeongHan, a win is a win. Here are 5 moments where JeongHan had no remorse about cheating and we’re not complaining either! 

1. “Can I cheat?”

Have you ever seen a cheater ask for permission to cheat? On an episode of “GOING SEVENTEEN”, during the “Four Wheeled Rider” race, JeongHan confidently asked whether he could cheat and the members were not fazed in the least. While you might think he was joking, he indeed cheated and multiple times too at that. 

2. When he bent the rules instead of breaking them

JeongHan does not hesitate to turn things around in his favour in any way he possibly can. During a game when he had to fill up a bucket till the given line, he simply changed the line to a lower level. Doesn’t that sound simple but effective? It guarantees a win regardless and that’s all that JeongHan cares about. 

3. When he convinced everyone to cheat

During a game of “Random Telepathy”, where the aim of the game was for every member to write the same answer down, JeongHan very artfully whispered the answer to every single member so that they could all win. The other members even acted like they didn’t know what they were going to write, to add to the effect. There isn’t a funnier episode than this one. 

4. Cheating for the family

JeongHan is no stranger to cheating but it becomes even more entertaining when he does it for the greater good. During a cooking challenge, when the members had to pick out ingredients, JeongHan forgot to pick up salt for his team. However, that did not deter him from going over to the ingredients table, stealing it and putting it in his pocket. The other members couldn’t be happier about it. 

5. When you become a victim of JeongHan’s cheating

It’s always a win-win with JeongHan, regardless of the fact that he totally lost. On an episode of “Idol Room”, when JeongHan was asked to name all of his members without a single moment of hesitation or pause, JeongHan did well up until DK. When he got to DK, he immediately yelled out as if in anger against the “dirty look” that DK was apparently giving him (which was a complete lie) and it was this anger that didn’t let him complete the challenge. The presence of mind it must have taken to come up with this strategy will always amaze us.  98 Liners SEVENTEEN’s SeungKwan And NCT’s JungWoo Reported To Have Dined Out Together, Showing Their Close Friendship KPOP STORIES|Jul 21, 2021 5 Iconic Moments Of SEVENTEEN s JeongHan Cheating During Games  - 8