“School 2021,” will be the 8th installment of the “School,” K-Drama series. The story focuses on high school students at a specialized school who have decided to forego university and follow their dreams. It stars Kim YoHan as Kong KiJoon, Kim YoungDae as Jung YoungJoo, Choi YiHyun as Jin JiWon, and Hwang BoReumByeol as Kang SeoYoung. Here are 4 reasons (in no particular order) why you should be looking forward to Kim YoHan’s acting in “School 2021.” 

1. He plays a relatable role

WEi’s Kim YoHan plays Kong KiJoon who dreamed of being a taekwondo star and worked towards that goal for 11 years. His dream becomes impossible following a sports injury and he finds himself uncertain about his future.Much like his character, Kim YoHan has a special talent for taekwondo and was actually a championship athlete in real life.The role is something that most young people can relate to in terms of the uncertainty that comes with choosing what to do in the future. It is expected to be an emotional role considering that he lost something so important to him.  

2. He’s been proclaimed as an acting genius

The director of “A Love So Beautiful,” Seo MinJung, praised Kim YoHan calling him an acting genius. She mentioned that if she gave him feedback on one thing to improve, he responded by acting as if she had given him feedback on ten things. This is the ultimate compliment from a director to an actor.In an interview, Kim YoHan said that he had never taken acting classes before his first role. Considering how naturally he relayed his character on the screen in “A Love So Beautiful,” many are anticipating how he will pull off his character in “School 2021.“He mentioned that, at first, the prospect of acting made him extremely nervous because he didn’t know what to do, but over time he started to get comfortable with acting and become excited about it. It should be interesting to see how his character, Kong KiJoon, comes to life on screen, now that he is more experienced. 

3. Gateway to stardom

The “School” K-drama franchise is famous for launching the careers of the actors in it. Previously, models turned actors such as Kim WooBin (whose follow-up role was the legendary K-Drama “The Heirs,”) and Nam JooHyuk (whose follow-up lead role was in the popular K-Drama “Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo,”) got their big breaks after acting in this drama series! K-Pop idol BTOB’s SungJae is another actor whose acting career was launched from appearing in the series. His next most memorable role was in the fan-favorite K-Drama “Goblin.“Netizens speculate that if Kim YoHan does well in “School 2021,” it will be the drama that launches him into acting stardom. This is over and above the recognition that he already gets as a member of WEi. Who knows what kind of acting role he could end up in next? 

4. Secret fate with Kim YoungDae’s character

Kim YoungDae is another actor that fans are looking forward to seeing in “School 2021,” especially following his success from acting in the popular drama “Penthouse: War In Life.“His character, Jung YoungJoo, apparently has a secret connection with Kong KiJoon (Kim YoHan’s character). Fans are itching to find out what it is but also excited to see the two actors on screen together. It might just be a visual overload, considering how handsome both actors are, but will definitely be worth it!We do not doubt that this will be one of Kim YoHan’s most memorable acting projects. What are you most looking forward to seeing from his role in “School 2021?”  How WEi’s Kim Yohan Proves To Be The ‘It’ Boy Everyone Wants KPOP STORIES|Feb 19, 2021 4 Cutest Campus Romance Scenes With WEi’s Kim YoHan & So JooYeon In “A Love So Beautiful” KDRAMA STORIES|Feb 8, 2021 4 Reasons To Look Forward To WEi s Kim YoHan s Acting In  School 2021  - 344 Reasons To Look Forward To WEi s Kim YoHan s Acting In  School 2021  - 964 Reasons To Look Forward To WEi s Kim YoHan s Acting In  School 2021  - 844 Reasons To Look Forward To WEi s Kim YoHan s Acting In  School 2021  - 64 Reasons To Look Forward To WEi s Kim YoHan s Acting In  School 2021  - 60